About Me
Hi, I am Nicole Doghor a Christian wife, mother and psychiatrist.
I have dedicated much of my life to the uplifting of girls and women as one who has struggled chronically with self-esteem and identity in accomplishments rather than grace. I am a work in progress, as a reformed people pleaser and chronic worrier, who is on a journey towards wholeness and invite others to join me!
In my work as a psychiatrist and therapist, I use a blend of dialectical and cognitive behavioral therapy, interpersonal and EMDR from a psychodynamic informed lens. I will use biological agents when appropriate and work with my individual client’s preferences and goals.
Personally, I enjoy traveling (I need to do it more), laughing and being goofy with my two young boys and napping when I can!
This site is my personal haven and ministry. Please know that every blog post, resource, course has been thoughtfully prayed over and tailored for the busy parent or professional who desperately needs a break, direction, guidance and rest. If you are on a similar journey, I invite you to read my introductory blog, entitled " Break Free, Embrace Rest, Be Whole."
Prairie View A&M University, B.S. Biology
Medical School:
University of Louisville School of Medicine, Louisville, KY
Psychiatry Residency:
Harvard Longwood Psychiatry Residency Training Program, Boston, MA
Certifications and Additional Training
Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Fellowship, Boston Psychoanalytic Society and Institute, Boston, MA
Master Teacher's Fellowship Program Baylor College of Medicine Houston, TX
Perinatal Mental Health Certified (PMH-C)
EMDR Trained